Quotable: Labyrinth Lost

If there’s one thing that’s stuck with me from all of my schooling, it’s my affinity for quotes in whatever text I’m currently reading. I literally have a notebook full of all of the quotes I’ve collected this year alone. However, I barely get to show off any of them. As you’ve probably noticed, my reviews are sporadic at best. None of them even have half of the quotes I loved in them (mostly because they don’t always fit with current snark levels). But I just couldn’t let this one go, so I’m giving it its own post!

I pre-ordered Labyrinth Lost with the quickness after my coworker talked it up to me at BEA/Bookcon back in May. I practically tore through it once I actually started reading it and I. HAVE. SO. MANY. FEELINGS. This post, though, is about just how quotable this book is. A lot of it resonated with me, especially with the space I’m currently in with my life. So, here it is… my favorite quote from Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova.

Quotable: Labyrinth Lost

Are you a quote hoarder? Follow up: What was your favorite quote from your last read?

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